Friday, May 30, 2008

Pink or Blue??? Its #2!!!!!!!

This is a test to see who really reads my blog!!!!!! :)

Lee and I found out recently that we are going to have another baby. We don't have an official due date yet but it will be sometime this winter. I was going to wait to post the news until we had a date, but oh well! I will have to update you when we get one! We are a little surprised. We thought we would try to get pregnant this fall, and then Anderson and #2 would be a little less than 2 years apart, so this is a little sooner than we planned. However we feel very blessed nonetheless. Here is a pic from an unofficial sono. It is so nice to have one of these machines to use whenever we want!


Hollie said...

YEAH!!! I hope its "pink", but will be excited for "blue" too!

Elizabeth H. said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to find out what you're having!!!

Jennifer said...

yay for big news!

Sara A. said...

Laura - I love the new look of your blog! Thanks for sharing the link to creating a new background. Congrats to your family on #2!!! I've been waiting to comment until you made it public! I guessed "pink" on your poll! Your 3-d ultrasound is so cool! Anderson's going to be quite the b-ball player!! That was so cute!

grandma enid said...

Congratulation! I want a girl! I'm counting on you guys!
Grandma Enid
P.S. I'll love a boy too!